sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015



Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).


Last year I____________________ (spend) my holiday in Ireland.

It (be) ________________________great.

I ______________________(travel) around by car with two friends and we (visit)

 lots of interesting places.

In the evenings we usually____________________________ (go) to a pub.

One night we even_________________ (learn) some Irish dances.

We_______________ (be) very lucky with the weather.

It________________________ (not / rain) a lot.

But we______________________ (see) some beautiful rainbows.

Where___________________________ (spend / you) your last holiday


Put the verbs into the simple past:

1.Last year I___________________ (go)  to England on holiday.

2.It_________________________ (be)  fantastic.

3.I__________________ (visit)  lots of interesting places. I____________ (be)  with two friends of mine .

4.In the mornings we (walk)_______________  in the streets of London.

5.In the evenings we_______________________ (go)  to pubs.

6.The weather_________________ (be)  strangely fine.

7.It___________________ (not / rain)  a lot.

8.But we____________________ (see)  some beautiful rainbows.

9.Where______________________________ (spend / you)  your last h







Put the sentences into simple past.


1.We move to a new house. →  ______________________________________________________


2.They bring a sandwich. →_________________________________________________________ 


3.He doesn't do the homework. →  __________________________________________________


4.They sell cars. →  _______________________________________________________________


5.Does he visit his friends? →  _____________________________________________________


Write sentences in simple past.

1.Janet / miss / the bus →  ______________________________________________________

2.she / tidy / her room →  ______________________________________________________

3. Nancy / watch / not / television→  __________________________________________________

4.she / read / a book →  ____________________________________________________________


Choose "Was“ or "Were“:

1.The teacher  was were  nice.

2.The students  was were  very clever.

3.But one student  was were  in trouble.

4.We  was were  sorry for him.

5.He  was were  nice though.

   1. I     must , have to   speak English well. I need it in my job.

   2. I     must,  have   to speak English well. I love it.

   3. I     must , have to    get up at 5:00. I want to go fishing.

   4. I    must , have to   get up at 5:00. I commute to work.

   5. I      must,  have    to wear a suit. It's a formal party.

   6. I     must , have to     wear a suit. I want to look good.

   7. I     must , have to     follow the procedures. I don't want to be wrong.

   8. I     must , have to    follow the procedures. It's my duty.

   9. I     must , have to    earn money for the company.

 10. I     must.  have to     earn a lot of money. I want to buy a house




Put in 'said' or 'told':  


1) Julie______________________ that she would join us after work.

. 2) She_________________________ me that she was going running this evening.

. 3) John________________ us that he couldn't come to the party.

.4) John_________________ that he had been to the cinema at the weekend.

.5) She______________________ them she wanted to quit.

. 6) David_________________________ that he was going to arrive at eight.

.7) They______________________ that they didn't want to meet us on Tuesday.

.8) I ______________________him I wasn't impressed.

.9) Lucy____________________________ Julie that she was leaving on Wednesday.

. 10) We _______________________that we were going on holiday the following week.

. 11) Jack____________________ my mother he would be in Spain this week.

. 12) I_____________________________ that I hated mushrooms.




Make the past simple or past continuous  


1) What  (you/do) when I  (call) you last night?



. 2) I  (sit) in a cafe when you  (call).



.3) When you  (arrive) at the party, who  (be) there?


.4) Susie  (watch) a film when she  (hear) the noise.


. 5) Yesterday I  (go) to the library, next I  (have) a swim, later I  (meet) Julie for coffee.


6) We  (play) tennis when John  (hurt) his ankle.


7) What  (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?


 8) He  (take) a shower when the telephone  (ring).



9) He  (be) in the shower when the telephone  (ring).


10) When I  (walk) into the room, everyone  (work).

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