domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

literature guides june

literature section I second grade

I.              Cuadro de texto: And   but  however pollution safe  therefore  travel  What’s more Complete the text with these words and phrases

Of course,  a lot of people like to have cars. ___________________(11), there are too many cars on the roads today. Cars that use regularfuelcause a lot of __________________________(12) that harms usand the planet. ___________________(13), many people die in traffic accidents every year. It’s not ________________________(14) to _________________________(15) on the roads. ________________________(16), some poeple want to reduce the number of cards. Many people would like to use public transportation, ___________________(17) they say it’s too inconvenient _______________(18) expensive. What’s the answer? No one really knows!

II.             Cuadro de texto: -ful -ly -ment -ness -ly -fulPut he letters in the correct order to make words. Then add suffixes to make words.

19. Tonhes _________________________          20.kewa ________________________
21. Phel ___________________________          22.joyen _______________________
23. Ramnol _________________________         24. sercept ______________________

III.           Add the prefixes UN, DiS and IN to these words to make words.
25. _______able                                               26. ________like
27. _______fortunate                                        28. ________usual
29. _______convenient                                     30. ________efficiency
31. _______agree                                             32. ________formal
33. _______dependent

IV.           Read the following text and then answer the questions.

The Amazon is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It covers an area of nearly 2.8 million square miles, which is nearly the size of the continent of Australia. The Amazon Rainforest gets its life from the majestic Amazon River, the world's second largest river, which runs directly through the heart of the region. The rainforest itself is simply the drainage basin for the river and its many tributaries. The vast forest itself consists of four layers, each featuring its own ecosystems and specially adapted plants and animals.
The forest floor is the lowest region. Since only two percent of the sunlight filters through the top layers to the understory, very few plants grow here. The forest floor, however, is rich with rotting vegetation and the bodies of dead organisms, which are quickly broken down into nutrients integrated into the soil. Tree roots stay close to these available nutrients and decomposers such as millipedes and earthworms use these nutrients for food.
The understory is the layer above the forest floor. Much like the forest floor, only about 2- 5 percent of the sunlight reaches this shadowy realm. Many of the plants in the understory have large, broad leaves to collect as much sunlight as possible. The understory is so thick that there is very little air movement. As a result, plants rely on insects and animals to pollinate their flowers.
The layer above the understory is the canopy. This is where much of the action in the rainforest occurs. Many canopy leaves have specially adapted leaves which form "drip tips". Drip tips allow water to flow off the leaves which prevents mosses, fungi, and lichens from occupying the leaves. Leaves in the canopy are very dense and filter about 80 percent of the sunlight. The canopy is where the wealth of the rainforest's fruits and flowers grow. Bromeliads, cup-like plants, provide drinking pools for animals and breeding locations for tree frogs.
The emergent layer is above the canopy, and is the top layer of the rainforest. Trees in the emergent layer break through the canopy and may reach heights of 200 feet. Leaves in the emergent layer are small and covered with a special wax to hold water. Seeds are blown to other parts of the forest. Trees which rise to the emergent layer are massive. Many are braced by huge buttress roots. Trunks can be 16 feet in circumference. Many animals that survive in the emergent layer never touch the ground.
1.     How many layers does the Amazon Rainforest consist of?
2.     Which is the lowest region of the rainforest floor?
3.     How are rotting vegetation and dead organisms integrated into the soil?
4.     What is the understory?
5.     Why do plants in the understory have large, broad leaves?

6.     What is the function of insects and animals in the understory?
7.     Why are drip tips important?
8.     What are bromeliads?
9.     In which layer is 80% of the sunlight filtered?
10.  How tall are the trees in the emergent layer?



Alumno: ________________________________________Grado:3 _____,
Sec:I third grade

Read the article

Have a disability or medical condition? You are not alone. A disability is often used to refer to individual functioning, including physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic diseases.

Many people with disabilities have not only overcame their difficult situation, but also contributed to society. These include regular people and famous ones such as actors, actresses, celebrities, singers, world leaders, and many other famous people. Take a look at these two examples:

Thomas Edison is the great inventor who had over 1,000 patents and his inventionsare in various fields used in our daily life. In his early life he was thought to have a learning disability and he could not read till he was twelve and later he himself admitted that he became deaf after pulling up to a train car by his ears. He first captured world attention by inventing the phonograph. His most popular invention is the electric light bulb. He also developed the telegraph system. He also became a prominentbusinessman and his business institution produced his inventions and marketed the products to the general people.

Marla Runyan was one of the women representing the Unites States in the 1500 metre track event at the 2000 Olympics. The American runner finished seventh in herpreliminary heat and rose to sixth in the semifinals to qualify for the finals. During the final race, Marla lost track of the major competitors. She finished in eighth position, 3.20 seconds behind the gold medal winner. In 1996, Marla set several track and field records at the Paralympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Following that success, Marla wanted to compete in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney -- even though she is legally blind. The 31-year-old runner has been diagnosed with Stargardt disease. This is a condition that leaves her with a limited ability to see what is in front of her. In Sydney, Marla became the first legally blind athlete to compete in an Olympics.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What’s Edison’s most popular invention? _________________________________
2. How many patents did he have? ________________________________________
3. When did he start to read? ____________________________________________
4. What was his disability? ______________________________________________
5. What is his first famous invention? ______________________________________
6. Who is Marla Runyan? _______________________________________________
7. What event did she compete in? ________________________________________
8. What was her disability? ______________________________________________
9. What’s the name of the diagnosis? ______________________________________
10. How old was she when she was diagnosed? _____________________________

2. Match words and definitions.

1. disability                  ____ Olympic games for disabled people
2. overcome               ____ areas of work
3. invention                 ____ individual functioning impairment
4. fields                       ____ get the better over a difficult situation
5. deaf                        ____ told (by a doctor) that one is in certain health conditions
6. prominent               ____ a condition in which one cannot see anything
7. preliminary heat     ____ something totally new created
8. Paralympics           ____ a condition in which one cannot hear any sound
9. blind                        ____ successful, famous for something
10. diagnosed             ____ secondary elimination before the final one.

 3. Read the article and underline the correct choice.

Professor Randy Pausch.

Randy Pausch was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the U.S when the doctors told him he had cancer and would definitely die. However, he didn’t get too depressed. Instead, he decided to give a final speech to his students. Calling  /   Called  /  Calls  “The Last Lecture”, it was a  humor  /  humorous  /  humorously  and inspirational lesson in life. He encouraged people to think about what is important, to value relationships, and to never  give up  /  resign  /  sacrifice. The speech was filmed and put on the Internet. Millions of people saw this extraordinary example ofcourage  /  courageous  /  encourage  and leadership.

Appears  /  Appeared  /  Appearing  later on Oprah and several other television shows, he repeated his message; “It’s not how to achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the dreams will come to you”. In May 2008, Time magazine  labeled  /  named  /  assigned  him as one of the World’s Top 100 Most Influential People. You  can’t  /  should  /  don’t have to  watch his last lecture on the Internet – it’s great! Just type “Randy Pausch,” It  must  /  can’t  /  might  change your life!

4. Write True or False on the line.

1. ________________ Randy Pausch was a professor at MIT in the U.S
2. ________________ He got sick with cancer and died.
3. ________________ “The Last Lecture” was his final lecture.
4. ________________ He gave different messages on Oprah and several other 
   television shows
5. ________________ You can find his last work in Internet.

5. Complete the sentences.

1. The doctors told him he had _______________ and would definitely ___________
2. He _________________ to give a final ___________________ to his students
3. He _________________ people to think about what is _______________________
4. If you _____________ your life the right way, the ______________ will come to you
5. He was one of the _________________ Top 100 Most _________________ People

Read the article

In search of beauty

Is it possible to measure beauty? Well, the ancient Greeks believed that all beauty could be explained with math. They used a system to find what they called the “Golden Ratio.” They found this measurement by drawing likes between key points of an object and making calculations. They believed that all beautiful things share the same ratio of 1:1.618 – flowers, buildings, objects, and of course people.

This idea is still popular today. Dr. Stephen Marquardt of the UCLA Medical Center carefully measured thousands of faces and was able to produce a “universal beauty mask” based on the golden ratio. How closely the mask fits in your face can show how beautiful you are.

6. Answer the questions.

1. Who believed that all beauty could be explained with math?
2. What’s the name of the system that they used?
3. What’s the value of the ratio they believed that all beautiful things share?
4. What did Dr. Stephen Marquardt of the UCLA Medical Center produce?
5. What can show how beautiful you are?


7. Match the words with its similar (Lecture on Page 65)

1. _____ style                         4. _____ fashionable             7. _____ original
2. _____ manufacturing         5. _____ make                       8. _____ business
3. _____ graceful                   6. _____ sensible                   9. _____ important

A. influential                D. stylish                     G. industrial
B. innovative               E. practical                 H. commercial
C. elegant                   F. create                     I.  taste

8. (Lecture on Page 71) Underline the right choice: You can…

1. … produce  /  explain  wine or a play.
2. … draw  /  find   some money or the answer.
3. … believe  /  share   in ghosts and miracles.
4. … make  /  explain  something to someone and what happened.
5. … produce  /  draw   conclusions or a picture.
6. … make  /  find   a decision or some noise.
7. … share  /  draw   responsibilities or a joke.
8. … can  /  make   swim and drive.

9. Complete the second conditional sentences.

1. If we ____________________ (not drive) cars, we ______________________
    (not produce)  so much carbon dioxide.
2. We ________________________ (speak) English better if we _____________
   (practice) more in class
3. If I ______________ (meet) an alien, for sure I_______________ (be) so scared
4. People ______________________ (speak) to Nicholas if he __________________
    (be) friendlier
5. I ________________________ (not surf) in the Atlantic if I __________________
    (live) in Hawaii
6. If my computer ______________ (have) a virus, I ________________________
    (not finish) my homework
7. If we_____________________ (not like) basketball, we ____________________
    (not play) it
8. Nicole _________________________ (buy) an MP3 player if she ______________
    (have) enough money
9. If she __________________ (not be) rich and famous, no one ________________
    (not talk) to her
10. If I _________ (be) the president, I __________________ (make) safer roads
      for cycling

10. Write the correct article: a / an / the / X

1. Dress formal if you want to give _______ good impression.
2. Not all _____ actors in the movies look good all _______ time.
3. ______ TV host with ______ wrong clothing doesn’t look well.
4. I think that ________ media has an important role in fashion
5. ______ candidate with _______ best image will get _______ job
6. Would you consider _______ surgery (operation) just to look better?
7. Do you think that _______ way you look is important?
8. Dinna has gotten ________ good job in _______ fashion industry.
9. Do you spend ________ lot of time and money buying ______ clothes?
10. Just make sure that _______ impression you give is ______

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